
Friday, 24 February 2012

Facebook Phisher v1.0


     Hey Friends!  After reading my post about Phishing many people mailed me "How to hack the Social networking Sites?".  So I decided to create an application using .Net framework for doing this easily.  I also received mail that "Opcode Generator for 8085" is not running.  Please make sure that you have .Net framework for running my application.  It is installed at the time of installation of  Windows.  If not download and install it from : Microsoft Official Website  .  If you don't know what is Phishing , please read my post about Phishing Here.  Please note that this is for educational purpose only.

    1. Click Here to download Facebook Phisher.

    2. Now Click "Run" button.

  3. Now install and run the application.

  4. After filling the textbox,  click "Get Source Code" button.

   5. You will get the files "facebook source.txt" and "phisher.txt" after pressing the "Get Source Code" button.  Just save the "facebook source.txt" as a html file and upload the files to your web hosting and send the link to your friends.


   6. To read the instructions for using the application, click "View Instruction" button.

   7. The passwords that your friend will enter will be saved in the file "password.txt". 

         Please notify me if u have any trouble using Facebook Phisher. Enjoy!!! Remember this is for Educational purpose only.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Beware of Phishing

      Hello Readers! Have you ever thought of hacking a social networking site like Facebook,   Orkut,  twitter?  If you did, then i'm sure that you have found exactly what you are searching for.  There are several ways to hack a social networking sites.  In this post, i'm going to write about the most commonly used technique to steal one's identity which is called as "PHISHING".  

     Before you read about the Phishing,  please remember that this is for educational purpose only.  In Simple words phishing can be described as "Creating an webpage similar to that of the trust worthy webpage for the purpose of stealing the personal and financial information like username, passwords, credit details etc,.  

     As said before, hackers will create a webpage similar to that of a webpage which they have chose to hack.  Creating a webpage similar to that of a legitimate webpage is not a big deal.  You can copy the Source of the webpage and save it in your webpage Source.  Once the webpage is created, they will send an email to the victim to whom they are targeting to.  When the victim enter his/her personal information and clicks "Sign in" or "Submit" button, then the information is sent to their web hosting and gets stored in a file or database.  To pretend as if they are trust worthy,  they will redirect you to the legitimate webpage
saying "Information you have provided was wrong" or something.  Now the victim does not have any idea that his/her personal information in in hacker's hands.

Measures to avoid getting Phished:

     1.  Using Anti-Phishing software can prevent you from phishing.
       2.  Use 'https' instead of 'http'.  The purpose of using 'https' is the data transfered between your system and the server will be encrypted.

       3.  Use Firewall.

       4.  Avoid using the links in e-mails.

       5.  Make sure the website name is correct. For example,  instead of www.facebook.com you may get www.facebook.co.cc or something.

       6.  Make use of anti spam software.

Check out our Post on : Facebook Phishing

Sunday, 8 January 2012



    Hi Friends!  Its been a long time since my last Post.  When I was trying to convert the Machine Instructions into Opcode I found it very boring and its a Time Sucker.  It is Damn Boring to check word by word and convert it into Opcode.  So I have Created an Application for Generating Opcode for 8085 Microprocessor using C# .NET.  It generates Opcode for the given Assembly Language Instruction through just a single mouse click which can help you to save your time.  

"Opcode is a Machine Readable Instruction for performing a task".

   You can follow the following instructions to install  OPCODE GENERATOR 1.0  for windows.

1.  Click here to download OPCODE GENERATOR 1.0 .

2.  After downloading it, Click RUN.

3.  An installation wizard appears.  Click INSTALL.

4.  Wait few seconds for the installation to complete.

5.  Click on the CLOSE button.

6.  Now fire up the OPCODE GENERATOR 1.0 and Type your instructions.

7.  After typing your instructions click on the GENERATE OPCODE button.  You will get the opcode location once you click that button.

8.  Save your time and spend it in facebook... :)

     The Advantages of OPCODE GENERATOR 1.0 is,

1.  It is not case-sensitive.

2.  Proper spaces is not necessary.

     Since this is the first version of  OPCODE GENERATOR 1.0  ,  there are few drawbacks.  

1.   OPCODE GENERATOR 1.0  cannot understand hexa-decimel number as its 16-bit input.  For Example,  800e is not understood by the compiler whereas 8034 is understood.

     Use this application and leave your comments.  If you find any errors, please do inform me. :)

If the application says: ".NET framework is needed for running the application", please download Microsoft .NET framework 4.0.